Welcome to the website of Heraklion Improv Theater, the first Improv Theater School in Crete.

What do a pineapple, a parrot, a brown envelope, a fan, a red bag, an orange notepad and a scribble have in common? Most people would say they have nothing in common, but believe us they are the key ingredients needed for an Improv Theater school to exist.
All of the above, sprinkled with those core values that Heraklion Improv Theater wholeheartedly follows (Trust, Love, Respect, Care), helped to create the School. Our vision is to spread improv to infinity and beyond! Our curriculum takes you by the hand and leads you on stage to be able to perform improvised sketches and shows.
Improv is a form of theater. Key ingredients of improv are: living in the moment, cooperating and supporting ideas like there is no tomorrow, reacting honestly to whatever your scene partner is telling you, and not filtering your thoughts. When you go on stage, if you apply these, together with some other tools you’ll learn at our school, you immediately transform into a genius on stage! The audience is on the edge of their seats and they’re wondering about your next line. You’re wondering too. Who knows what you’re going to say? There is no script!
Create a whole show from nothing! There are no preconceived characters or a compass to show you where to go. You’re a Columbus looking for India and you might end up discovering a new continent. Move along while discovering the moment.
Many actors are afraid of it. Most likely as an audience member, you’ll think that this is not for you. At Heraklion Improv Theater, we discover the improv world together. Our goal is to be able to respond to every unexpected thing that might happen on stage and to realize that, on stage, when you don’t try hard and you believe in your spontaneous ideas, then you create the most amazing things!
We teach you how to take risks, how to live in the moment, how to not judge yourself, how to fail and celebrate it, how to believe in yourself and your ideas. At the end of it you learn how to use all of this and more to create shows that people will want to come and see (well, your relatives at least) .
Learn more about improv, by clicking here.
Our space
We have theaterformed a former office space into a space for theater and performing arts. That’s where we run our classes, where we perform some of our shows and where we host all sorts of events. Heraklion Improv Theater’s stage is situated at Chandakos 36Γ, slap bang in the middle of the center of Heraklion.