Heraklion Improv Theater – Chandakos 36Γ
At level 3, we dive into how we can perform with a second person, the two of us together, in order to create enjoyable scenes. Learn to interact and co-operate, to create strong relationships between the characters on stage. Also learn how to effectively use the space to benefit the scene and create realistic worlds.
Level 3 is completed in six weeks.
Classes are taking part once per week for 3 hours each time (Total 18 hours).
Prerequisite to attend Level to is to have already completed “Improv Theater 2: All about characters”.
Max group size: 14 people
Total cost: 100 €
Special offer for Level 3 – Register before you complete Level 2 and receive a 10% discount.
Registration form
Level 3 is not yet open for registration.