Improv Theater 2: All about characters

Heraklion Improv Theater – Chandakos 36Γ

You are now at the Pantheon of those that have completed Level 1.
Say what? You need more? We got you! Here’s Level 2.

In this level we are exploring how to create characters, continuing with the same fun mood and drive. We are getting deeper into improvising easier and more effectively. We look into the building blocks of improv, the “rules” and principles so that you can create successful scenes.

Characters are a fundamental aspect of improv, since without them, scenes are empty. Learn to create characters that source from reality and are fun to play and watch. Learn to recognize what are your strengths in improv and slowly get your own voice as an improviser.

Level 2 is completed in six weeks.

Classes are taking part once per week for 3 hours each time (Total 18 hours)

Prerequisite to attend Level to is to have already completed “Improv Theater 1: Improv basics”.

Max group size: 14 people

Total cost: 100 €

Special offer for Level 2 – Register before you complete Level 1 and receive a 10% discount.

Registration form

Level 2 is not yet open for registration.